Arts Entertainments

Figs and Fags – Wasps and Dykes

The word gay can refer to homosexual men or it can refer to all homosexuals. I prefer the latter, because LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community) sounds like a new kind of drug. Nor does it flow from the tongue like the word”gayyy“Without stepping on anyone’s toes, and I know for a fact all my lesbian friends agree with me on this, I don’t like the word lesbian, it just doesn’t sound right. To me, lesbian is like fagot and dike.” ; it’s okay if we use the words, but slightly offensive in the mouth of a homophobic person. I just don’t like these terms, but I know it’s just me.

I realize that some of the girls might think that gay is a term like “man”, you know something like: “man survived world war 2″, as if women are incorporated when you talk about men. But in my mind, Gay just refers to that secret thing we all share. That”happiness“Behind seeing someone on the bench you saw at the club last night and she knows you know she knows exactly what you know. So funny, being gay and that’s why the word gay, playful, reserved and gay fits the profile of the totality LGBT community.

There are certain similarities, but we are also totally opposite, right? The old saying comes to mind:

Drag is when a man wears everything a lesbian doesn’t wear.

So similar in theory, and yet totally opposite in likes, dislikes, and temperament. So what is the relationship between all of us? Is it the persecution, the equality of loving your own gender or do we share that intrinsic?homosexuality“What did I mention before?

Maybe it’s like the Ficus and the Ficus wasp, or roughly speaking, the fig and the fig wasp. A fig wasp is the biggest enemy of fig trees because it is a parasite and if there are too many of them, your fig tree will only give you fruit that has gone bad. The fig wasp is also the fig tree’s best friend, because it helps with pollination. There are many types of fig trees and not all of them need pollination through fig wasps or even pollination at all, but most of them do need the fig wasp to enact. So there you have it, an unnatural alliance between the fig tree and the fig wasp.

To make it more interesting, the fig wasp is also the insect that can spread the farthest of all. He is also not interested in other trees, only in the fig tree; hence the name. Fig wasps are not all the same. You get two groups, those that pollinate and those that don’t; parasites and those that help the fig tree to spread. The female wasp will crawl into the young fruit, losing her wings on the way to the center, and then lays her eggs and dies. When the eggs hatch, the male will mate with the female larvae. The male is wingless and therefore cannot survive long after leaving the fruit. He mates and then crawls out, making way for the female to emerge without also losing her wings. Then he flies to the next tree, crawls, loses his wings, and the whole process starts all over again.

Boys never have wings and never get to see the world. Girls have the advantage of seeing more of the world, but not for long either.

My comparison is not between the small and small wasps, but between the wasp and the fig. Without the fig tree, the wasp will not be able to survive, because it only uses the fig tree and nothing else. The fig tree, on the other hand, will not be able to propagate without the wasp, and while some figs do not need the wasp, most do. Symbiosis of life, they need each other even if they don’t look alike, they need each other even if they are enemies (seen from a certain perspective), they need each other and no one else can fill that need.

It is vital to many, many species that the fig tree must survive. It has been one of the first fruits to be bred for agriculture, many birds find their source of calcium only in figs, there are more fig trees than most other species. The fig tree is certainly essential to life on earth and the fig wasp is essential to the life of the fig tree.

Chances are you’ve never seen a fig wasp, because most of its life cycle lives inside a fig, and yet this little insect is vital to life on earth and has been for the last few years. 80 million years. Try that on for size. A small wasp that does not call our attention for a second is vital on earth and has been since long before the human being stepped on this earth. In his mighty wisdom, the Creator made this little insect for such a big reason that you and I can’t even comprehend the meaning of it.

Back to dikes and bundles of firewood; if the Creator had a very good reason for making fig wasps, don’t you think he had an equally good reason for making us? Even though a fag is pansy pink and a dyke is butch brown, we still need each other, don’t we? There is a relationship important enough that our survival works together. Although we do not like the same things, we do not look alike, we do not act the same, we have many things that we do have in common.

The first is that we fall in love with our own gender and that makes us outcasts; it is not very important for the rest of humanity. Second, we fought the same battle of being different from the average and being rejected for it. Third, we cannot have children in the “normal” way and that makes us unimportant for the survival of humanity, that is, from a heterosexual perspective. For most of humanity we are abnormal, against nature, disgusting, unacceptable and meaningless in the order of things. We share the hatred, the rejection, the persecution and the discrimination. We may not be sexually interested in each other, but we are family, brothers and sisters. As a family, we don’t always agree, but blood is thicker than water, God knows we’ll stick together. Finally, and perhaps the one that really connects us, although we ourselves doubt it, the Creator in his wisdom made us for some reason vital for the survival of life on earth. I know, because he did everything for that reason.

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