
Grand Theft Auto game cheats

Any gamer who is passionate about car games must love the Grand Theft Auto game series.

The list of vehicles that is available to the player is impressive: cars, coaches, buses, limousines, bicycles, motorcycles, tanks, boats, helicopters, and planes that he can ride on the territory of three different cities. If all this complexity seems a bit scary, have no fear, the Grand Theft Auto game cheats are available from the same place you download the car games from: the Internet.

Whether you want to learn to play better or just want to have fun breaking the rules, Grand Theft Auto game cheats can help you reach your goal. Whatever you want to do, from getting more money or starting a sandstorm to stopping time or making all the characters look like Elvis, the game hack you need exists and it works. For example, if your desired level is very high and you can avoid playing much longer, you can enter R1, R1, circle, R2, up, down, up, down, up and down and your desired level is immediately lowered.

If, on the other hand, your desired level is very low and you want to keep it as such, you can lock in your current desired level by entering circle, right, circle, right, left, square, triangle, and more. If you prefer to use Grand Theft Auto game cheats just for fun, you can enter the next game cheat without pause: L1, circle, triangle, L1, L1, square, L2, up, down, left and make all pedestrians in the play. You can even stop time if you want (at least in the game).

When entering the square, L1, R1, right, X, up, L1, left and left, the game time will be locked at midnight (00:00). The Grand Theft Auto game cheats are also useful after mastering the game because you can increase the speed of the game and challenge yourself even more. However, some caution is advised, as some of these Grand Theft Auto game cheats are not reversible and saving your game after using them will damage your game file. If you want to download car games similar to Grand Theft Auto, all you need to do is search for a complete list of car games on the internet.

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