Legal Law

Say no to drugs and little man/woman

Recently, I was reading in the newspaper about a woman who was arrested at the country’s main airport for trying to smuggle illegal drugs out of the country. After reading the article, my eyes traveled to the comments section and one of the things that stood out was: “She’s just a little man/woman, where are the big guns? Those are the ones the police need to arrest.” .

That made me think. Yes, that’s right, we need the “big guy” arrested, but it’s the “little boys/girls” who are really pushing. They are the ones putting it in our schools, they are the ones targeting our kids, they are the ones encouraging those who want what they are offering to break the law and the list goes on.

Yes, the little guys/gals need to go out of business and some ways this can be done are:

hold them accountable

Whenever someone is arrested for drug trafficking, it is not a simple matter. It’s huge and we shouldn’t discount it. They are no less guilty than their suppliers. However, the punishment must justify the crime and it is not suggested to require otherwise. Yes, we must hold them accountable for their actions in our society.

put them out of business

Some groups and individuals push for the government to legalize certain drugs and in some places there are drug houses. In these buildings, a person could enter, use the substance, and leave without breaking the law. The government generally operates these houses.

However, for the most part, these substances are still illegal and even though it may not seem like it at times, again, they are illegal and if we hear of someone selling them outside of a school etc., we shouldn’t close our eyes. watch out for that

They are targeting our children and their friends. We must bring it to the attention of the school, as well as other parents and whoever we think will be able to put an end to it.

Encourage others to stay away

For many years now, we have been hearing “say no to drugs”, and we have probably been saying so to others and if this is the case, we should continue to encourage others to stay away.

We should not assume that everyone has been informed about the dangers of these substances and will therefore stay away from them.

The disease of AIDS has been with us for quite some time and although there have been some successes when it comes to this concern, there are still many people dying from it.

Yes, there is a lot of information about this deadly disease, but many people continue to die. So it’s not enough for us to just think that because there’s so much information about it, there’s nothing else we can do to stop them from being used.

It is true that it is always your choice, but we can continue to encourage those around us to stay away.

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