Setting Goals and Outcomes for a Team Event

Goals and Outcomes for a Team Event

A teamevent isn’t just about getting people together for a fun activity, it needs to achieve specific goals and outcomes that will benefit the company. These may be as broad as increasing brand visibility, or as narrow as reducing customer support call wait times. The key to setting quality team goals is to focus on three things – the outcome you want, the indicators that will let you know whether you’re on track to achieve that goal, and the attitudes and behaviours that you need to develop in order to get there. The more measurable the objective is, the easier it is to track progress and the better chance you have of success.

It’s important that you also consider how your Teamevent members perceive the objectives, which can be a good indication of how well they will achieve them. Asking for feedback in the form of a survey or questionnaire can help you understand how clear, relevant and attainable your team goals are. This can be done in person, one-on-one with each team member or in a group session where people will be less influenced by others.

When developing your team goals, it’s often helpful to ask the team for insights and ideas that will motivate them. Having a mix of company priorities, your own ideas and suggestions can create a great balance of goals that will resonate with your team members.

Setting Goals and Outcomes for a Team Event

Once you’ve determined the overall aim for your teamevent, it’s important to work out who will be attending. This will depend on a number of factors, including the venue you’ve selected and the budget available. It’s also wise to ensure that each person has the required hardware to participate in the event – this could be anything from a laptop or tablet, to a computer or smartphone with a reliable WiFi connection.

When planning for a virtual team building event, it’s essential to set out the agenda early. This should include all the key information employees need to know, from arrival and departure times, to how long the event will last. Providing an agenda in advance will give employees a chance to prepare and get excited about the event and can help reduce any confusion and frustration on the day of the teamevent.

You should also remind your team that the agenda is subject to change, as there will inevitably be unforeseen circumstances. For example, a video conference might need to be rescheduled due to COVID-19 or an internal meeting might need to be moved. In this case, it’s a good idea to distribute the revised agenda to attendees in the weeks leading up to the event. This will ensure they’re fully prepared for the day of the event.

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