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The Law of Attraction hates procrastinators.

I’ll keep this introduction short at four sentences!

This article is only for people who want extraordinary success, so if that’s the case for you, keep reading.

Whether you believe in the ‘Law of Attraction’ or not, you need to read this.

If you found the title catchy because you’re a procrastinator, you need to read this.

For those who never heard about it; the ‘Law of Attraction’ is a belief that is gaining a lot of popularity these days. It is stated that if one thinks of something and imagines oneself already in possession of that thing or situation, there is a force that will cause it. It will become real, especially if intense feelings and details are associated with imagination.

OK! Now what am I doing this time? Why does the author of a book against procrastination write about a metaphysical subject?

I don’t want to scare those who, like me, like to be down to earth, but I have recently discovered the ultimate way to make this “Law” finally work.

I have known this statement for over nineteen years and, for the most part, have believed it. It was also one of the main causes of procrastination because I naively believed that I could just sit back, visualize, add detail, add feeling, “raise my vibe” and anything I wanted would be delivered to my lap by a hot girl on a glass tableware. silver.

Being in love with psychology, I know there are huge benefits to people who challenge their established beliefs, so I decided to challenge the notion of attraction and see what would happen. To the envy of those members of the New Agers who are still struggling to see any results; The moment I stopped believing in the Law of Attraction, it started working for me! By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to make it work for you too.

My position on the “Law of Attraction”

At this point, some readers will be understandably confused. Does this guy believe in the Law of Attraction or not? I take a stance similar to that of Bill Harris (one of the stars of The Secret).

I believe that our thoughts produce our feelings and behaviors. I believe that when we focus on some result in the right way, our minds will start to notice things and generate new ideas that will help achieve that result. I think that we will also be attractive people who are likely to support our projects with the non-verbal language that we adopt. Our body language, the tone of voice, the perfume, the words we use and even the places we begin to enjoy, will be precisely what will favor our chances of meeting people who are likely to be inspired by our ideas and willing to help us. Therefore, I also believe that much of our external circumstances are created by our thoughts, even if we are unaware of most of this happening.

The thoughts and beliefs you hold draw you to people, knowledge, ideas, resources, circumstances, and the right focus needed to win them over to your side.

However, I don’t believe that some force in the Universe is doing it for us, I consider metaphysical claims to be 90% nonsense. Yes, I have also read Dr. William Thiller’s ‘Conscious Acts of Creation’ and that is what keeps 90% from getting close to 100%.

I also refuse to believe that we attract everything we experience, this is ridiculous. Sometimes good things happen and sometimes the “dirt” just hits the fan! We are not responsible for everything that happens to us, but keep in mind that one can always make a fortune out of apparent adversity if he keeps an open mind and a positive attitude.

Simply put, I believe there is nothing spiritual, metaphysical, or quantum-physical about the “Law of Attraction.” It is purely the immense capacity of the human mind to influence and be influenced in a way that produces the results of one’s thoughts and beliefs.

It is said that when a student is ready, the teacher appears. It is not that the teacher was missing; Masters like abundance, love, and laughter are always right under our noses, but we only make them visible to ourselves once we embrace the thoughts and beliefs that allow us to notice them.

So what did I find out about the “Law of Attraction” that makes it work?

Those of you familiar with my work will know that I have researched 22 people to find out what frees them from procrastination. I wanted to discover the cure for procrastination.

Interestingly, virtually all of these people believed that a Higher Power was helping them. It was a common characteristic between them. They may identify power differently, some called it God, some called it nature’s inherent intelligence, and atheists among them claimed it was their subconscious mind. However, they all persisted in the belief that a higher power was conspiring to help them.

How was it then? that most procrastinators were using this same trust in a higher power to avoid taking action to fulfill the very dreams they wanted to fulfill? The difference was not in the belief but in the attitude.

Procrastinators expected a higher power to deliver without their effort. The Pro-Completers, on the other hand, let him do his job while they did their job to the best of their ability.

If you want the Law of Attraction to work effortlessly for you, you must first decide to give up procrastination and the first step is to realize that you must stop using it as an excuse to take no action.

How can you best utilize the ‘Law of Attraction’ without using it as an excuse for not taking any action?

This is accomplished by using some common sense. Keep in mind the following three rules:

Rule 1: Thoughts must be strong enough to put YOU into action

If you want to believe that thoughts generate corresponding realities, you will have to admit that the strongest thoughts will manifest as reality the fastest and most evidently. Now ask yourself which of these is the strongest thought.

1. discarded idea

2. a fantasy you live in

3. a highly emotional thought

4. a very emotional and detailed thought with a written action plan

5. a very emotional and detailed thought with a written action plan that you read often

6. a thought that is causing you to take action

7. a thought that is causing you to act with such a tenacious conviction that nothing will stop you from achieving what you want.

You guessed it! These are in order of strength.

If you are a procrastinator, your thoughts are not strong enough to put you into action and you will not inspire other people, let alone the Universe. It could also be that you have other thoughts that conflict with your desired goal and are taking you away from your goal and procrastinating.

That is the first part of my discovery that makes the Law of Attraction work. He says “your thoughts must be strong enough to put you into action!” Powerful thoughts and beliefs become stronger when action is added to them because the mind inevitably has to focus more on the outcome.

Rule 2: Relying too much on the Law of Attraction is a sign of weakness.

This is something that no Law of Attraction guru will probably tell you because there is a chance that you will lose trust in him or her. If you lose trust in them, they won’t be able to help you anymore and they will lose their money. (And let’s be real, some of them are only there to preach their own religion because there is money to be made, and they only incorporate the Law of Attraction to make it attractive)

However, it bothers me more to tell it like it is, so how come trusting the Law of Attraction is a sign of weakness? Be patient with me…

Suppose you have a candy bar in a cupboard and you really want a piece of chocolate, what do you do?

Unless you have a conflicting decision, like you’re on a diet or something, I’d go and enjoy your chocolate without a second thought. Surely you will not sit down to visualize, meditate, write affirmations, feel gratitude and write letters to the Universe.

Suppose you don’t have chocolate but there is a candy store around the corner. I rarely run out of chocolate, but personally I would go out and buy twelve boxes without any viewing!

If that’s what you do to get a piece of chocolate, then why do people do it to attract harder stuff? Wouldn’t it be easier to just get your hands dirty and go out and achieve your goal?

The reason they do these visualizations, affirmations, and letters to the Universe is because they believe the goal is more difficult to achieve than the piece of chocolate. Guess what! If they think it’s harder to achieve, they’ll get what they think!

The moment you settle ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY for Law of Attraction techniques, like the ridiculous letter to the Universe, let that serve as an alarm from now on. Your mind is telling you that it believes that achieving that goal is difficult. To make your mind believe that it is not difficult, there is only one way. Break the entire project down into small, achievable tasks and set realistic dates and deadlines for completion. An elephant can eat one bite at a time. Present each morsel in your mind on a schedule and you’ll forget your letter to the Universe in no time.

Rule 3: There is something more powerful than the Law of Attraction that is much easier to use.

What is this more powerful? It’s called ‘taking action’. If you want to buy a candy bar at the corner store, that’s faster; display or actually go to the store and buy the thing?

How do these rules help me (and you) to make the Law of Attraction work?

All I can say is that since I trust myself for what I want to achieve, I am getting more things in my lap at the right time than ever before. I am experiencing random and synchronous events so frequently that I am now convinced that an Intelligent Higher Power is conspiring to help me. It could just be an impression my mind is getting, but believe me, it’s very convincing.

When this happens, I am reminded of the famous Goethe quote that says: “The moment one is definitively committed, Providence also moves. All things happen to one that otherwise would never have happened. A stream of events arises from the decision that rises in his favor in every way”. of unforeseen incidents, encounters, and material assistance that no man would have dreamed would come his way.” Apparently, Goethe thought that the ultimate secret of the Law of Attraction is to go into action with commitment.

In fact, we should spell it ‘attraction’ – with a hyphen!

Does it happen because there really is a strange power in the Universe? I prefer to be objective and avoid superstitions. In fact, I suggest you shouldn’t care. Just commit to reaching your goals with or without the help of higher powers and stay away from procrastination. That is the essence of commitment!

People may speculate whether the ‘Law of Attraction’ is the secret to success, but what we can say with absolute certainty is that the ‘Act of Procrastination’ is the main cause of failure and this is no secret to anyone.

Now you can start applying the above knowledge to start experiencing the Law of Attraction consistently. I’d like to add a paragraph that unfortunately sounds like a sales pitch, but I hope you’ll see through the marketing BS sentences and see my sincere desire to help the people reading this.

In the meantime, I sincerely wish you all the success you desire and hope the above thoughts help you embrace the commitment that makes your achievement possible.

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