Lifestyle Fashion

Humility is a lie: a construction of society

If lying is wrong and cheating is wrong, how come we work so hard to make sure people lie and cheat? You know the little white lies? An example of this is how we force others to be humble, but why, is it to feel good about ourselves? Shouldn’t we really want to know when someone is confident, capable, and accomplished? Why so much pretense, why is it considered a virtue?

In many cases humility is a lie, it is downplaying one’s abilities on purpose, since when is it honorable to lie? Pretending to be nothing when you are something is to carry your cards very close to the vest. Because? Going through life at a level of super humility can give someone the upper hand in a cunning and Machiavellian way, but it is still living a lie, the lie of political correctness.

In fact, I’m not the first to mention this, many dead white men, barely humble, academic arrogance by today’s standards, have noted the same thing. I would say that most 80% of people demand humility mainly because it’s the norm of society, the status quo, there’s no need to think beyond that request, or because they haven’t done anything and don’t want anyone to notice. account. they wear an empty suit.

Humility is not a natural behavior, but a learned behavior, a social construction. Interestingly, today, with all the talk of “equality”, it is even more so. Is that really a good thing? We are not all born equal, we all have a different set of predisposed genes, nature, and during our life experience we develop skill sets that set us apart from each other simply through varied experiences, again, those skill sets set us apart. If we know each other’s abilities, that’s a good thing, it will help society to collaborate and advance faster, but if we run around hiding what we are good at, how can we help each other with our abilities to achieve goals?

On most social media, everyone is looking for self-validation, but they never try to go too far, as they don’t want to cross the line too much, just a little to get noticed, otherwise they fear appearing less than humble. I think LinkedIn is a good system as you can see everyone’s resume. If people were truly humble, they would never write resumes, never give acceptance speeches, never accept an award, or even a promotion for a job well done. Lastly, the ego, well, there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you know who you are, what you’re capable of, and where to improve. An earned ego is a positive trait, but I don’t see how deception and white lies are in the same category.

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