Legal Law

The right tools for your fictional detective

Your detective arrives at the crime scene and surveys the area. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out…what?

Police officers need to have the right tools to get the job done, and your fictional detective is no exception. Time to take a look at the physical tools needed to get the job done. Most of these are self explanatory.

Items carried

When a detective gets dressed in the morning, there are things that he will take with him to help him in his daily work. While this is not a complete list, there are some basic items that your fictional detective can use to be more realistic.

Notebook and Pen/Pencil: Detectives use them to jot down details, victim information, witness information, and anything else they need to remember.

Wives: It is used when arresting or detaining a suspect.

pepper spray: It is used to repel an attacker or to aid in an arrest.

Service Weapon: The type of weapon your officer would use would depend on your department regulations as well as your personal preferences.

Distinctive: Don’t forget your detective ID.

Sure there are more things, but this is a good start. Your detective will evolve like all your characters, as you learn more about him. Now, what he would keep inside his vehicle while he worked.

vehicle items

Depending on the size of your detective’s apartment, here are some of the things you would have in your car to investigate a crime scene.

General Evidence Collection Kit: This would have items used to collect evidence such as: envelopes, plastic bags, tape measure, scissors, and flashlights.

Casting and mold kit: This contains the things needed to make a plaster cast of footprints, tire tracks, etc. It would have plaster frames, plaster and various hardeners and oils.

Field Drug Test Kit: It is used to make a determination at the scene of unknown substances found.

Photo kit: In smaller apartments, there may not be a detective to take pictures of the scene. The detectives would carry a 35mm camera and an instant camera. They would also have extra film, batteries and accessories.

Fingerprint kit: It is used to lift footprints and take imprints from corpses at the scene.

Clothing and safety items: Because they encounter so many different situations, a detective needs to carry a variety of things to stay safe. Safety glasses, coveralls, gloves and rubber boots are kept along with a hard hat and flashlight.

These are just a few of the items your detective may have in your vehicle and on your person. He would probably carry a shotgun or riot gear and a bulletproof vest.

Your detective’s personality and appearance are important in moving your story forward. But adding some of the tools of the trade will really make it real for your readers.

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