Health Fitness

The role of carbohydrates in our lives

Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates because the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen they contain are usually in the ratio needed to form water with the general formula Cn(H2O)n. Plants use sunlight (photosynthesis) to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly, and heterosaccharides. The smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose, while polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose, and glycogen can be large and even of indeterminate length.

Carbohydrates: Mainly sugars and starches, together constituting one of the three main types of nutrients used as sources of energy (calories) by the body. Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Carbohydrates come in simple forms like sugars and complex forms like starches and fiber. The body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose, a simple sugar that the body can use to fuel its cells. Complex carbohydrates are derived from plants. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can lower blood cholesterol when replaced with saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly, and heterosaccharides. The smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose, while polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose, and glycogen can be large and even of indeterminate length.

Key functions of carbohydrates

  • When your body needs energy, it first looks for carbohydrates.
  • If you’re not consuming enough carbohydrates, your body will look to other sources of energy, such as protein found in muscle tissue. Proteins, however, are not efficient sources of energy for the body.
  • Carbohydrates are the most abundant dietary source of energy for all organisms.
  • They supply power and serve as a form of energy storage.
  • Carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, starch, glycogen, etc. provide energy for the functioning of living organisms.
  • Carbohydrates also protect your muscles and help regulate the amount of sugar circulating in your blood so that all cells get the energy they need.
  • Carbohydrates are involved in cellular functions such as cell growth, adhesion, and fertilization.

carbohydrate food sources

Carbohydrates come in two forms: simple and complex. Both are made up of sugar units. The difference is how many sugar units they contain and how they are attached.

Examples of individual sugars in foods include fructose (found in fruits) and galactose (found in dairy products). Double sugars include lactose (found in dairy products), maltose (found in certain vegetables and in beer), and sucrose (table sugar). Honey is also a double sugar, but unlike table sugar, it contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

  • Complex carbohydrates release energy slowly and often contain fiber. These “healthier” forms of carbohydrates include whole wheat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, and vegetables.
  • Simple carbohydrates are sugars that give you instant energy and usually have no nutritional value. Simple carbohydrates that contain vitamins and minerals are found naturally in: fruits, milk and dairy products, vegetables. Simple carbohydrates are also found in processed and refined sugars* such as: candy, table sugar, syrups (not including natural syrups like maple), regular carbonated drinks.

*Refined sugars provide calories, but lack vitamins, minerals and fiber. These simple sugars are often called “empty calories” and can lead to weight gain. Additionally, many refined foods, such as white flour, sugar, and polished rice, are lacking in B vitamins and other important nutrients unless they are marked “enriched.” It is healthier to get carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients in the most natural form possible, for example from fruit instead of table sugar.

daily use of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates generally consist of 45 to 60% of your total caloric intake.

Allowable carbohydrate levels may vary based on activity levels. The range is 20 to 70 grams daily.

However, 70 grams a day is very generous and is typically only for those doing weight training in addition to cardio.

The normal low range of carbohydrates for weight loss is 20 to 50 grams daily. You must determine how strict you must be; the best way is to experiment and find out what amount works well for you as an individual.

In fact, there is no minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates, but they do have many beneficial phytochemicals and fiber, so eating some is fine (as long as they are not refined or processed).

Nutritional Security

If you consume excess carbohydrates and participate in little or no physical activity, these excess carbohydrates will be converted and stored in the body as fat, which can lead to weight gain and other health risks.

My next article titled “The Role of Protein in Our Life” will examine the role of protein in good nutrition.

See you on the Beaches of the World,

kevin mcnabb

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