
What are the longest lasting cat litters?

Let’s face it: cleaning cat litter boxes is not a lot of fun. Almost equally dreaded is dealing with the pungent odors of a cat litter box that has run out and needs fresh litter. We believe these are the two most important criteria most people look for when buying cat litter: how long the litter will keep cat waste odors under control. In fact, we get more questions about these attributes than about any other. People want to know the simple answer: What are the longest lasting cat litters?

Before we get into our options, let’s discuss what makes a long-lasting cat litter. There can be a lot of variation in litters, from materials used to clumping ability (or lack thereof) and intended purpose (multiple cats, single cat, longhairs, kittens, etc.). So what is the common theme that we have seen in cat litters that last longer?

What characteristics do long-lasting cat litters usually have?

Ability to retain moisture.

Moisture is the worst enemy of garbage. Once the granules are fully saturated, that’s when they start to break down, releasing all the smell they’ve stored and creating a big mess during cleanup. This is why cat litter manufacturers do extensive research to find materials that can hold a lot of moisture. Some of the best materials for retaining moisture are clay, wood pellets, and some crystals. Many of the natural offerings can have problems with absorption and are meant to simply remove the sections your cat uses as needed.

agglomeration capacity

Groups are basically prisons for smell. A proper pool will form a physical seal around the cat droppings, retaining both moisture and ultimately odor. While this is somewhat related to moisture absorption, there is a wide variation in clumping ability from product to product. Some products can hold a lot of moisture, but have very soft lumps that break easily, while other examples may struggle to maximize liquid retention, but form super hard lumps.

That said, there are a lot of cat litters out there that don’t clump and still do a pretty good job of retaining odors, but will generally have a lower lifespan in the litter box if you’re giving the litter box proper maintenance. arena regarding removal. lumps

odor masking

A good alert that it’s time to replace the litter box is obviously when odors start to creep in. Because what good is a good clumping litter if the litter box smells terrible? Like the other parameters, there can be a wide fluctuation in the performance of a particular sand in the odor department. However, there tend to be some common trends in materials. Crystals, for example, often lead the pack in their ability to retain odors. This is followed by glass/clay hybrids, then clays, and finally all-naturals (wood, corn, etc.) are usually at the bottom of the list.

This is not to say that you should automatically rule out the idea of ​​opting for a cornball or paper litter box. They may have their own benefits in terms of being more affordable, better for the environment, easier on the cat’s paws, less tracking, etc.

There are a few other minor metrics, but those are the three big variables that seem to play the biggest role.

Other variations outside the litter

While we hope that these are the only considerations you should have, that is simply not the case. There can be many fluctuations regarding your cat(s) that can have a huge effect on the effectiveness and ultimately the shelf life of a batch of litter.

number of cats

Obviously, the more cats using a given litter box, the shorter the length of time it will be sustainable. More cats means more waste, more tracking, and less time between uses to allow the clumps to harden properly. Also, some litters are optimized for multi-cat households and will see an extra boost in these environments, but may struggle compared to a litter optimized for a single cat, and vice versa.

cats temperament

Cats can be very individualized in how they use their litter box. Some have a favorite “place” that they go to constantly, while others will wander around the litter box. Some can be very finicky, kicking and dragging litter all over the place, while others go in, relieve themselves, and leave. While this may seem like a minor thing, it can have a huge impact on performance and ultimately the lifespan of a litter. Some arenas take an hour or more to completely seal a pool, and having a cat constantly kicking up trash can greatly affect performance. Other litters may struggle with having a highly concentrated litter area, but do much better with a consistent layer around the entire box.

Cat diet and digestive process.

For those who have owned multiple cats, sometimes there is one cat that seems to have much stinkier and messier affairs than the others. This could be due to their diet or simply how they process their food. Some litters will do better with cats that have more solid waste, while others will do better with more liquid waste.

How long is “durable”?

So when we talk about long-lasting cat litter, how long are we talking about? As you might suspect, that may depend on the variations discussed above, but we’ve found that in many single-cat scenarios, a good, compatible litter can last upwards of 2 weeks or more before odor issues start to set in. For multi-cat litters, a week and a half is a good metric to achieve.

So what is the longest lasting cat litter?

As we have shown, there can be many different inputs that go into making an arena durable, both directly and indirectly related to the arena itself. So now the important question: which is the best? Which one lasts longer? Unfortunately, there’s no clear “best,” but we do have a few options that we’ve determined typically lead the pack in terms of performance. As with many things to do with your pets, we encourage you to shop around and try a few different products and see what is best for your particular situation.

UltraPet Crystal Clear Sand Beads: This is one of our favorite cat litters, and it has one of the longest shelf lives we’ve come across. This is mainly due to the phenomenal odor control ability that it has. That said, it’s also actually surprisingly absorbent for a glass cat litter. It’s a great option if you’re willing to pay the premium price. It is available in 7-pound bags, is made of silica gel, and is available at the top price level.

Cat’s Pride Fresh & Light Ultimate Care Premium Unscented Hypoallergenic Multi-Cat – A combination of high clumping and good odor control means this product should keep your litter box odor free for 2 weeks or more depending on the circumstances. It does require a bit more maintenance when it comes to removing clumps, but if you stick with that, you should be very satisfied. It is available in 12-pound jugs, is made of clay, and is available in the mid to upper price range.

Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance: Super effective clumping is thanks to this product’s efficient odor control. It’s a great long-term solution for those with busy litter boxes. Available in 14 and 20 pound jugs, 27 and 35 pound pails, and 23, 27 and 40 pound boxes, it is made of clay and is available in mid to premium price levels.

Precious Cat Ultra – Some of the best clumping capacity per dollar you will find, this is a good solution for those on a tight budget but don’t want to skimp on long lasting litters. Available in 18, 40 and 80 pound bags and 40 pound boxes, it is made of clay and is available at the economy price level.

Fresh Step Extreme Odor Control Unscented: The small, tight clumps this product creates are great for locking in odor and extending the life of the litter box, which means odor-free litter day after day. It is available in 20 and 25 pound boxes, is made up of clay, carbon, and antimicrobial agents, and is available in the mid to upper price range.

World’s Best Lavender Scented Cat Litter for Multiple Cats – One of the best performing all-natural cat litters on the market. Despite what can often be a weakness, this product shows up and provides a super long shelf life while being better for the environment. It is available in 7, 8, 14, 15, and 28 pound bags, is made up of wood fiber, corn kernels, and lavender oil composition, and is available at the mid-price level.

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