Digital Marketing

4 tips for a successful SMS marketing campaign

SMS marketing can be very lucrative. However, to be successful, you must adhere to four basic principles that govern the SMS industry.

1. Market segmentation

Mobile devices are approaching 7.2 billion and are multiplying five times faster than us. Most of them, if not all, are SMS-enabled. With this little information in mind, every marketer should know that unless the target audience is targeted, any SMS campaign is doomed. It is extremely important to distinguish your campaign texts from unwanted SMS. All you have to do is integrate your SMS marketing campaign with the needs of your customers and carry out different strategies for each group.

2. Customer defense

The concept of focusing on what is best for the customer is not new to marketers. When it comes to SMS campaigns, the customer should know that they gave their consent to receive SMS online and that it was not chosen at random. For this reason, the subscription must be very clear and direct to the customer. It generally involves using a short or long code to opt-in or subscribe via a web form. Customer consent makes you trustworthy to your customers and improves their loyalty and responsiveness to your two-way SMS campaigns.

3. Personalization and synchronization

Sending text messages is not a privilege granted indefinitely. The customer should not feel intrusion or annoyance while receiving a text message. Rather, the message must be anticipated. The best way to ensure a positive reception is to maintain a not-so-overwhelming frequency and make the customer feel unique when receiving a message. For example: “Ben! Tomorrow is your lucky day! Take advantage of the discount coupon for your favorite restaurant before it expires!” In this way, the message is conveyed, your customer feels special, and you reduce the risk of your message being tagged as spam.

4. Be pretty!

Like any other media-related campaign, your web-to-SMS message should be attractive and easy to remember. Using jargon or abbreviations will undermine your brand equity and long or complicated messages can warn the customer even after reading the entire SMS. URLs are also not attractive, so where necessary, it is strongly recommended to use a shortened URL. Remind! A message that is easily kept in memory increases the responsiveness and positive reception of the next message.

In practice, there are too many ways to use SMS marketing to list, but to give you an example, here are some case studies of possible SMS marketing campaign implementations.

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