Bluehost: Better Reliability ($3.95/MB)

Bluehost Background Information Bluehost is currently responsible for hosting over 2 million websites worldwide and is one of the most popular and least expensive shared hosting services available. Founded in 1996 by Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth in Provo, Utah, it has a staff of 750 employees who work day and night to ensure the highest possible quality of service. […]

Wax And Rain: How To Wax Your Car When It Rains

Maintaining a vehicle’s finish can be a tedious task. If you have ever found yourself with a dirty car in consecutive days or even weeks of rain, you will find yourself in a dilemma. Whether you wax quickly or allow your paint finish to absorb the brute force of rain. Read on to find a simple solution. Many car enthusiasts […]

Important lessons learned during COVID-19

Introduction With all the pressures people are facing due to the pandemic, most people may wonder if any good has come of this. Actually, the answer is yes. As a society, we are learning many important lessons from the different changes due to the pandemic. What exactly are they and how will they prove useful in the coming days? That’s […]

What makes a good Formula One driver?

While it’s true that anyone you can physically fit into the car can drive one, the reality is that Formula One drivers are a special breed. Although they vary in size and physical form, they all have the following important qualities that allow them to compete at the highest level. physical strength and dexterity Formula One cars demand driving on […]