Health Fitness

Coffee and stimulants put you on the path to hypoglycemia

Coffee, tea, and toast first thing in the morning to get over low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is a standard routine for most people. But they don’t realize the dangers behind this seemingly innocent ritual.

What a boost to the system! Quick release refined flour, combined with coffee, raises low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) with the sudden release of adrenaline. You start to feel like everything is fine in the morning and the body is back to normal.

As low blood sugar levels rise, the body feels alert and even energized. It seems impossible to think that the harmless pastime of a coffee break can actually lead to an imbalance in the body’s chemicals and could be causing harm.

But one doctor, Peter Rogers, asked in one study whether coffee relieved withdrawal symptoms (overnight) or increased alertness. In fact, he found that people who drink coffee do not feel better than non-drinkers. They just feel much better than they did in the first 10 minutes after waking up. The first coffee relieves coffee withdrawal symptoms.

Coffee isn’t the only substance that acts this way in your body: sugar and refined carbohydrates, especially in combination, act in a similar way. As in a stressful situation, the body’s glands release the hormones adrenaline and dopamine.

These raise low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) by tapping into glucose stores to provide the body with quick fuel. This was necessary to give additional strength when man met beast in prehistoric times.

But today, heart disease and diabetes are the direct result of the body reacting the same way to a wild bear, stress, sugar, and coffee. The body stands on a slippery slope: it gradually requires more and more stimulants and sugars to feel normal. Soon he doesn’t react to adrenaline, his own natural stimulant.

What can be done? Skip sugar and other ‘pick-me-ups’ from your daily food intake. This is why diet programs place coffee very low on the ‘must have’ list. It should be seen as a treat, not a regular part of the diet.

The good news, though, is that once you stop and eat a balanced diet, your low blood sugar levels become a thing of the past. Fatigue and crazy craving for refined food will disappear. It will take some research on your part to change your diet plans. You’ll need the latest and most extensive knowledge on hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and you don’t need to break the bank.

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