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Faithbook: 5 Tips for Scrapbooking Your Spiritual Legacy

Mistakes and experience are two of the things that often help us learn lessons in life; the same goes for Faithbooking. Other tips come from listening to advice from scrapbookers along the Faithbooking journey. I pray these five quick tips help you as they have helped me.

  1. Focus on one project at a time. It’s easy to get excited about this design and that design and even more designs. It’s easy to find yourself running back and forth among them, feeling overwhelmed and accomplishing nothing. Focus on one project and finish the design. Then save it before working on the next one.
  2. Place only one design at a time on your desk or table. Save anything you don’t need for this project. When you’ve gone through your photos and selected the ones you want for this design, save all the rest. Do the same when it comes to selecting cardstock, embellishments, etc.
  3. Create a goal for each design. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with this page. Do you want to share a special verse that you pray for your granddaughter? Do you want to remind her child of a special spiritual event that happened with her family? Keep her goal in mind and pray for her as you work on her design.
  4. Do not use unique old photos. When you have a unique old photo, don’t use it in your designs. Make a copy and then proceed with your design using the copy. That way, if you make a mistake, you still have the original.
  5. Do not cut images with scissors for decorative borders. This is one of the tips I heard from different scrapbookers. When they were rookies, and full of ambition and zeal, they would cut out their original drawings with decorative scissors. Years later, many of them say they regret those decisions. Having seen some of those designs, I decided to take your advice. So now I pass on those words of wisdom.

Pray and ask God to guide you in creating a Spiritual Legacy that will touch someone’s life. You may be the one chosen by God to pass on certain stories to your loved ones.

Because I will show you lessons from our history, stories that have been passed down to us by previous generations. I will reveal these truths to you so that you can describe these glorious acts of Jehovah to your children, and tell them about the mighty miracles he performed. PSALM 78:3-4 (NIV)

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