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How to Build the Perfect Team for Brave Frontier

The first thing to understand is that there is no perfect team, since the game has many different units; requires a different set of drives. Each team can only have 5 units, so building a team requires some planning and changes. Teams must be designed to complete a specific mission. There are 6 main missions and 1 final mission; the 6 main missions are always in the same order. Each of the missions is divided into 5 mini missions, sometimes there is a sixth mini mission, but it is a boss fight.

The first mission will always be fire, which means that 95% of the units you face will be fire units. I say 95% because there is a chance that the mission will have a mimic or two, a dark unit. The second mission will be water, again 95% chance of all water units. The third mission is land, 95% chance of all land units. The fourth mission is thunder, 95% of the units will be thunder. These first four missions are known as Element missions, because each one has 95% of the same unit. The next two missions are light and dark. Light missions are 90% light units; mimics are a rare event in light missions. Dark missions are 100% dark units, if a mimic is activated, it will be a dark unit. The final mission is a mix of the 6 types; randomly choose the units you will face.

Now that you know the order of the missions, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each item.

· Using a water attack on a fire unit does double damage, a fire attack on a water unit does half damage.

· Using a fire attack on a ground unit does double damage, a ground attack on a fire unit does half damage.

· Using a ground attack on a thunder unit does double damage, the thunder attack on a ground unit does half damage.

· Using a thunder attack on a unit of water does double damage, a water attack on a unit of thunder does half damage.

Light attacks are double damage to dark units.

Dark attacks are double damage to light units.

Each item has its own strengths and weaknesses, using the wrong gear can end the game quickly. That is why there is no perfect team, each element can be beaten. Each item also has its best power, the power of each type is best when combined.

Fire – Anima – 10% more HP

Water – Oracle – 10% more REC

Thunder – Breaker – 10% more ATK

Earth – Guardian – 10% more DEF

Light – Lord – No bonus

Dark – Lord – No Bonus

The power of each element is best combined with this table. For example, a unit of thunder with a breaking power will result in more attack. But a unit of thunder with anima power will not increase its health.

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