Legal Law

How to seduce women in bed – 3 ways to seduce a woman

The expression to be lucky is very overused, the truth is that you are not lucky at all. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge. Here we present free tips on how to seduce women.

Body language is your first weapon, the second is self-confidence, and the third is provocation, or what I like to call the take-away technique. Once she is interested and considering it, you take it away from her. We will go into that in more depth later.

Body language will be your first tool. Let’s discuss how body language can be your friend or your enemy. Stand up straight, look at the paper, if you don’t have the confidence in yourself, then try looking at the paper. According to Anthony Robbins, “Your emotion is determined by movement.” In other words, if you pretend to appear confident and walk and move like a confident man, you will actually start to feel confident. Or, put another way, “fake it until you make it”

Something we have already touched on is self-confidence. Women want to be swept off their feet. They want to be put to bed and guided to do what you want to do. This is not sexist, it is human instinct. Human beings operate in many ways by instinct just like all animals in the animal kingdom, we are no different. And sexuality is one of our most basic instincts, there is no way around it. If you exude confidence in yourself, then the woman will see it and she will follow you wherever you want her to go.

Now this is where it gets interesting, the tease or the takeaway. You have to make her believe that she is the one who made the decision to sleep with you. You have to look like you’re taking it off. Let her now chase you around a bit. The woman will enjoy sex much more when she believes that it was her decision.

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