Shopping Product Reviews

the story of a ghost

Working with spirits is interesting and gives insight into some of the things that follow us after death and even haunt us long enough to prevent us from crossing back into the spirit world where we belong. Some of these traumas may seem trivial as the Girl in Blue might seem to some. Take my word for it, they are serious with the spirits and I give each one serious attention when they come to me with their problems just as I do with the living.

Other traumas are probably easier to understand, like some of the ghosts I’ve dealt with in my little town of Cripple Creek. A lot of traumatic things have happened here since the town was founded in the late 1890s. Back then it was just a gold camp in the mountains. It shouldn’t be a big surprise that there was a lot of violence going on here. I discovered that many of those who were victims of this Wild West violence did not leave after death. These are commonly known as ghosts. Some of them have been seen or heard by those who are still alive during the last century. Stories about the ghosts that have been found have developed and many have been embellished many times over with each narrative. In recent history, many of these ghost tales have been retold to attract customers to businesses that have grown up in the old buildings. I guess 99% of the stories told about ghosts are pure fiction just to wake up tourists and attract business.

Out of curiosity I have visited some of the establishments where ghosts are said to have been seen. I can’t say why some of these local ghosts haven’t looked to me for help. At times, for my own reasons, I have looked up some of them and discovered that what is rumored about them is not true.

An example of how rumors of ghosts lurking in certain places started was that of a young woman and a tall man who were wearing a top hat and both were wearing elegant evening wear. These two were seen by customers at one of the local restaurants called “Sally’s”. This restaurant is supposedly named after the young woman whose spirit was seen wandering the building. Typically, the owner of the building finds an old picture that resembles the ghost and uses the name of the person in the picture to name the ghost. If a name can be found, they use it or just make up a name, which is often the case.

As the story is told today, this young woman was killed by the tall, older gentleman out of jealousy when she refused to marry him. This story was told to me one night when I was in town, so I decided to pay a visit to this ghostly girl and this tall dark man.

I found a seat in a corner of the restaurant bar where I was pretty sure no one would bother me. With my drink in front of me to make sure the waitress would stay at bay while she was full, I sat down, breathed in slowly, exhaled slowly, and cleared my head. I then asked if the young woman would like my help and, if so, for her to make herself known to me. She immediately appeared in my mind as a young woman dressed in a dark Victorian evening gown with a bonnet. She had a pretty face and a sad expression. I started working on it and found all the causes of the problems that prevented it from crossing over from it. When I was done with her, the tall dark man in evening dress and top hat appeared and I did the same thing for him as I had done for the girl. When I was done with him I was not at all surprised when another young man appeared in work clothes and looking rather disheveled with a very sad and anguished look on his face. The following is the story that came to light about these three people which is nothing like the stories told by the merchants and the subsequent rumors perpetuated about them. These rumors happened because there were no witnesses to what happened apart from the people involved who are now the 3 ghosts I met.

This young woman named Sally and the tall dark man named Bill were very much in love. They were both doing well financially. Sally appeared to be in her 20s, about 5′ 3″ tall, well-bred, and pretty. Bill was older, in his 40s. He was handsome, about 6′ tall, and of average build. They planned to marry in the near future. future and saw each other as much as they could.

They planned to meet one night on the town in the building where the restaurant called Sally’s now exists. Sally arrived first that night just after dark and was walking down a small stairwell that was dimly lit when a young man who appeared to be in his 20s named Eric stepped out of the shadows. Eric was out of luck and he was starving and couldn’t find a job. He wasn’t a bad person by nature, but desperation drove him to try the thief’s way to get enough money to leave the area and get on with his life elsewhere.

When Eric confronted Sally with a knife on the stairs and demanded money from her, she became very scared and ran away from him. In doing so, her foot went over the edge of the upper stairs, she lost her balance and fell backwards calling out to Bill in an instant before landing face down on the stairs and breaking her neck, dying almost instantly.

Eric ran towards her and after determining that she was dead, he ran as fast as he could. She lived only a few more years in complete sadness at what she had done.

Bill arrived on the scene a short time later and no one seemed to know what had happened to the girl. Many guesses were made as to how she had fallen, all wrong. Bill never got over the death of his fiancée and was continually drawn to the place of her death. He lived through his years as a very sad and lonely man who never married.

These three spirits roamed this area, Sally waiting for Bill to come to save her and take her away, Bill walking through the buildings and streets sadly knowing he would never be with Sally again, and Eric, running through the streets mad with grief and guilt. . about what he had done.

All three are now at peace and have crossed over.

I was wondering about finding ghosts as I call the spirits that haven’t crossed over. It seemed to me that there should be some easier way to track them down other than wandering around hoping one would make themselves known in some way that I might misunderstand and therefore miss out on helping them. Since I am quite familiar with the town of Cripple Creek, I decided to wander around using my higher levels of awareness from the comfort of my easy chair at home.

I started by focusing on the other end of town across from the museum that used to be the train station. I could see the main street, Bennett Avenue, in front of me, stretching all the way across town and ending at the foot of the hills about half a mile to the west. He could clearly see the buildings from where he was. I moved forward, looking at the buildings to the left and right as I went.

At first I thought my perception was faulty for some reason because I kept seeing buildings that seemed to be shrouded in fog in certain areas. I saw things around me quite clearly, but when I looked elsewhere, this gray mist was sometimes present. I was wondering if this could be an indication that a ghost was in the mist area. Turns out that’s exactly what it is. I’ve found that when I mentally search for some indication of something specific, it usually manifests in my mind as something different from the norm, so it will stand out as what I’m looking for.

Since I’ve long since given up chasing ambulances, I don’t normally require my services from anyone, including spirits. I imagine that if they want my help they will seek me out as many have done.

After encountering this fog phenomenon in various places around the city, I decided to take a look at my property out of curiosity. My house sits right at the base of a 40-foot cliff to the north that protects it from winter storms. Sitting on top of the cliff offers a spectacular view of the thousands of square miles of view to the southwest. But when I looked at the cliff in the new way I had recently learned, I noticed that a large area of ​​the cliff directly behind the house was covered in this gray mist.

I immediately decided to investigate the reason for this spiritual habitation in this area. I asked to be shown who was there and I saw and felt several Indians in great pain. I asked to be shown more of what had happened and was allowed to watch a kind of short video of these Indians being killed and thrown off the cliff. I did my best to help them heal and later when I looked back at the cliff, the mist was gone from this area.

However, I did; note another area about 40 feet to the east along the top of the cliff where there was another patch of gray fog, but much smaller. When I asked who he was, a young man about 18-20 years old dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt appeared to be sitting with his legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. He had a pretty sad look on his face, so I asked him what the problem was and why he was sitting on the cliff. The story they told me was very moving, to say the least.

This young man’s older brother, whom he was very close to in life, had left and been killed somehow. He never found out exactly how, most likely because it was not relevant to the story told by this young man.

The two of them used to come to this place to sit on the cliff to enjoy the view and talk for hours. This was one of the most loving and happy memories she had of her brother. He grew up and had a good life by himself, but he never stopped missing his brother. And so, both for the rest of his life and after his death, he kept coming to this place to feel close to his brother again. Doing this didn’t make the young man feel bad or sad, but it was something he enjoyed so much that he decided to continue doing it even after death.

I asked him if he wanted my help or not, but he said that he was very happy and that maybe at a later date he could come to me with any problem he couldn’t solve himself.

As far as I know, he’s still sitting there and I wish him well.

You must realize that when I receive stories of spirits that they do not come to me in the way that you are reading this. The stories come to me in the form of a combination of visions and emotional feelings, as well as physical feelings, pain. Some of them are very difficult to interpret, unlike the one I just broadcast here about the young man on the cliff. This particular story came through to me very clearly. Many, however, are confused and seem to jump around chaotically. It is my opinion that the more traumatic and sudden the event, the more confusing it becomes in the spirit narrative and therefore the more difficult it is for me to interpret. It seems that I am able to select the main points and help them.

I attribute the young man’s ease in telling and my ease in receiving his story to the obvious fact that he was not traumatized at all but was acting out of love. I don’t get this kind of story in my normal course as healing in its strictest sense denotes the removal of trauma and pain. The only time I have clear and unequivocal visions and feelings is when I am simply reading someone and the information is not of a traumatic nature, as in the case of this young man. And the truth is that I approached him and only asked for his story, which was nothing but love.

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